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Helpful Information and Resources

At the Tip of Your Fingers

Anxiety/Panic, Phobia & Obsessive Compulsive Related Resources:

Anxiety/Panic, Phobia & Obsessive Compulsive Related Resources:

International OCD Foundation : A wonderful resource for well researched and accurate information about OCD


Peace of Mind Foundation : A local foundation in Houston dedicated to bringing awareness, research, support, and hope to those suffering with OCD


nOCD : App for completing ERP work at home in between sessions


Relax Lite : App for deep breathing


Anxiety and Stress in the Brain: A video that provides a quick summary how anxiety and stress functions in the brain


Three Minutes in the Life : A short but powerful video for those who have loved ones who suffer from OCD to help understand the disorder and related distress


Understanding the OCD Brain : A three part video series out of the UK that provides a thorough overview of how the brain functions in those who suffer from OCD

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders,

Birth Trauma, and Infertility Resources:

Postpartum Support International : Resources and support for postpartum mood concerns


The Birth Trauma Association : An organization out of the UK working to raise awareness of post natal post traumatic stress and provide support


Postpartum Men : Geared specifically for men suffering with postpartum mood difficulties, this resource provides helpful information and support


Postpartum Dads : Designed for men whose wives are struggling with PMADs, this site provides stories, information, and a link to join a Facebook group for support


Mother to Baby : A reputable source for finding information about medications, supplements, and other exposure concerns during pregnancy or breastfeeding


Hand to Hold : An important resource for NICU parents with resources and trained peer mentors


Resolve (National Infertility Association) : Resources and support for infertility

Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors Resources:

The TLC Foundation : The most active foundation dedicated to BFRBs, with lots of great tools and information


HabitAware : Bracelet for increasing self awareness and interrupting repetitive behaviors


Therapy Shoppe : An online store with a variety of fidgets and sensory interventions


Curious Minds Busy Bags : An online store with fidgets, sensory interventions, and distractions


Fidget Club : An online store for a variety of fidgets and complete fidget boxes

Trauma Resources:

EMDR : Information on EMDR, problems it helps to treat, and and frequently asked questions


OEI : Information on OEI (Observed and Experiential Integration), research, and illustrations


How Trauma Impacts the Brain : A short video describing how PTSD functions using an easy to understand brain model


Learning Brain vs Survival Brain : A video from an educational perspective, but very helpful in describing different states of how the brain operates and interacts

Marriage and Family Resources:

Gottman : Leading researcher on marriage with excellent books and tools


Gottman Card Decks : App with questions to ask each other to deepen relationship and knowledge of one another

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